Sabrina Serra
Western New England University, Class of 2017
From Feeding Hills, MA

Sabrina Serra of Feeding Hills, MA was recently inducted into the Western New England University chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS), the honor society of AACSB-accredited business schools worldwide....
May, 03 2022 - Verified by Western New England UniversitySabrina Serra graduated cum laude from Western New England University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Management and Leadership. The undergraduate ceremony was held on Satu...
June, 26 2017 - Verified by Western New England UniversitySabrina Serra has been named to the President's List at Western New England University for the Spring Semester 2017. Serra is working toward a degree in Management and Leadership. Students are nam...
June, 20 2017 - Verified by Western New England UniversitySabrina Serra was welcomed into Sigma Nu Tau National Honor Society on May 3 at the Western New England University chapter's inaugural induction ceremony. Sigma Nu Tau is a national, academic honor...
May, 11 2017 - Verified by Western New England UniversitySabrina Serra, of Feeding Hills, MA (01030), has been named to the President's List at Western New England University for the Fall semester of 2016. Serra is working toward a degree in Management a...
February, 06 2017 - Verified by Western New England UniversitySabrina B. Serra has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England University for Spring semester of 2016. Serra is working toward a degree in Management and Leadership. Students are named ...
June, 17 2016 - Verified by Western New England UniversitySabrina B. Serra of Feeding Hills, MA, has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England for the fall semester of 2013. Serra is majoring in Management and Leadership. Students are named to ...
January, 17 2014 - Verified by Western New England University