Samantha Allen Named to South Plains College Fall 2020 President's List
Samantha Allen, of Amarillo (79124) was named to the South Plains College Fall 2020 President's List. Allen was among more than 300 students named to the Fall 2020 President's List. To qualify, stu...
January, 06 2021 - Verified by South Plains College
Samantha Allen Named to South Plains College Spring 2020 President's List
Samantha Allen, of Lubbock (79424) was named to the South Plains College Spring 2020 President's List. Allen was among more than 300 students named to the Spriing 2020 President's List. To qualif...
May, 21 2020 - Verified by South Plains College
Samantha Allen was recognized for earning a spot on the President's list
Spring 2020 -
Added by Samantha
Samantha Allen was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Fall 2019 -
Added by Samantha