Samantha Hefner
Austin Peay State University, Class of 2016
From Bend, OR

Congratulations to the students who graduated from APSU in August 2016.
August, 08 2016 - Verified by Austin Peay State UniversityAustin Peay State University is proud to recognize students who were on the Dean's List during Fall 2015 semester
April, 28 2016 - Verified by Austin Peay State UniversityAustin Peay State University is proud to recognize Samantha Hefner, who has shown a commitment to academic excellence, earning a Spring 2015 semester GPA of 3.5 or greater, with placement on the De...
September, 22 2015 - Verified by Austin Peay State UniversityAustin Peay State University is proud to recognize Samantha Hefner, who has shown a commitment to academic excellence, earning a Fall 2014 semester GPA of 3.5 or greater, with placement on the Dean...
January, 19 2015 - Verified by Austin Peay State UniversityAustin Peay State University is pleased to announce that Samantha Hefner of Clarksville, TN has been awarded the APSU President's Community College Graduate Scholarship. Transfer scholarships to ...
August, 20 2014 - Verified by Austin Peay State University