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Sarah Gohagan

Majoring in Sociology, Minoring in Business
USC Aiken, Class of 2021
From Estill, SC
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Sarah Gohagan Named to USC Aiken Dean's List for Spring 2020

Sarah Gohagan, of Estill, SC, was named to the University of South Carolina Aiken Dean's List for Spring 2020. To earn this distinction, Gohagan had to be enrolled as a full-time student and maint...

July, 20 2020 - USC Aiken
Pacers Spend Fall Break Building House in New Orleans

When they were in New Orleans for fall break, some students from the University of South Carolina Aiken had the time of their lives - but it wasn't spent at the most renown places the city may be known for. "While in New Orleans, we partnered with H...

October, 23 2019 - USC Aiken
Sarah Gohagan, Fellow Pacers Spend Fall Break Building House in New Orleans

When they were in New Orleans for fall break, Sarah Gohagan, of Estill, SC (29918) and some fellow students from the University of South Carolina AIken had the time of their lives - but it wasn't s...

October, 22 2019 - USC Aiken
Sarah Gohagan Means the World to Children

Earlier in the semester, student leaders from the University of South Carolina Aiken, including Sarah Gohagan, traveled to Orlando, Fla., for spring break, but they spent their time there goofing o...

May, 31 2019 - USC Aiken
Student Leaders Mean the World to Children

Student leaders from the University of South Carolina Aiken traveled to Orlando, Fla., for spring break, but they spent their time there goofing off - in a therapeutic way. "Our leadership class has had the privilege of volunteering at Give Kid...

March, 19 2019 - USC Aiken
Sarah Gohagan Means the World to Children

Student leaders from the University of South Carolina Aiken, including Sarah Gohagan from Estill, SC, traveled to Orlando, Fla., for spring break, but they spent their time there goofing off - in a...

March, 18 2019 - USC Aiken
Sarah Gohagan of Estill Named to USC Aiken Dean's List for Fall 2017

Sarah Gohagan, a Business Administration major from Estill, SC, was named to the University of South Carolina Aiken Dean's List for Fall 2017. To earn this distinction, Gohagan had to be enrolled ...

January, 30 2018 - USC Aiken
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