Shannon Spargo
Dordt College, Class of 2014
From East Berne, New York

Shannon Spargo of East Berne, New York, is among 344 Dordt College students who will be awarded diplomas at the 2014 commencement ceremony on Friday, May 9, in the B.J. Haan Auditorium. Spargo w...
May, 06 2014 - Dordt CollegeShannon Spargo of East Berne, New York, will participate in the Dordt College Ideafest on Thursday, April 24. Spargo is a senior majoring in individual studies. She also has a minor in theatre...
April, 22 2014 - Dordt CollegeShannon Spargo of East Berne, New York, joins the cast of the Dordt College theatre production of The Fantasticks. Spargo plays the role of The Mute and is part of the scene shop crew. She is ...
April, 14 2014 - Dordt CollegeShannon Spargo of East Berne, New York, has been awarded the James Koldenhoven Theater Arts and the Value added Pork scholarships from Dordt College. Scholarship details are available at www.dor...
June, 25 2013 - Dordt CollegeShannon Spargo of East Berne, New York, is one of approximately 135 students from Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, spending spring break doing service projects throughout the U.S. and Canada...
March, 08 2013 - Dordt CollegeShannon Spargo of East Berne, N.Y., spent spring break in Atlanta Ga., while participating in PLIA (Putting Love Into Action), a mission program with Dordt College. Spargo is a sophomore ...
April, 05 2011 - Dordt College