Solomon Johnson
From Philadelphia, PA

Solomon Johnson of Philadelphia, PA (19119) will enter Kutztown University in the fall as the newest member of the Golden Bear family. The fall semester begins Monday, Aug. 26, 2024. Comprising fo...
August, 20 2024 - Verified by Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaSolomon Johnson of Philadelphia, PA (19119), has been awarded a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management from Kutztown University. Kutztown University has conferred degrees for nearly 1,100 stude...
July, 15 2024 - Verified by Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaMore than 1,130 students will be awarded degrees during Kutztown University's spring commencement ceremonies May 10-11, at O'Pake Fieldhouse. Dr. Kenneth S. Hawkinson, university president, and Dr. Lorin Basden Arnold, provost and vice president for Ac...
May, 06 2024 - Verified by Kutztown University of Pennsylvania1,949 students have been named to the Spring 2023 Dean's List at Kutztown University, including Solomon Johnson of Philadelphia, PA (19119). To be eligible for the Dean's List, an undergraduate s...
June, 01 2023 - Verified by Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaSolomon Johnson of Philadelphia, PA (19119), will enter Kutztown University in the fall as the newest member of the Golden Bear family. The fall semester begins Monday, Aug. 24. Johnson comes to K...
August, 10 2020 - Verified by Kutztown University of Pennsylvania