Aaron Mena
Member of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
From Pace, Fla.
From Pace, Fla.
I am an undergraduate research student in the UWF Department of Chemistry. I am the lead research student on a physical /inorganic chemistry project: Synthesis, Characterization, and Growth Kinetics of Surface Modified Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots. I also work on a materials chemistry project: Meso-structured Styrene / butyl acrylate Films Containing Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots. I am the treasurer of UWF's Chemistry Club, an organization in which chemistry majors can partake in volunteering, graduate school visits, and fundraising events to help send research students to annual ACS conferences.
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Aaron Mena Inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Aaron Mena of Pace, Fla., was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Mena is pur...
September, 30 2015 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Aaron Mena was recognized for earning a scholarship
UWF College of Science & Engineering Enhancement
Fall 2015 -
Added by Aaron
Aaron Mena was recognized for earning a scholarship
UWF Summer Financial Aid Grant
Summer 2014 -
Added by Aaron
Aaron Mena was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
I have been on the UWF Dean's List every semester thus far.
Fall 2013 - Fall 2015 -
Added by Aaron
UWF Chemistry Club
I am the treasurer of the Chemistry Club, an organization in which chemistry majors partake in volunteering, graduate school visits, and fundraising events to send research students to the annual ACS conference.
Fall 2014 - Fall 2015
University of West Florida
Added by Aaron
UWF Chemistry Scholars
UWF Chemistry Scholars is a program for chemistry majors to learn professional and helpful advice/ tips for those interested in graduate or medical school. The program teaches students how to write resumes, apply for graduate schools, etc.
Fall 2014 - Fall 2015
University of West Florida
Added by Aaron
Grader & Proctor at Chemistry Department Test Grader & Proctor
August 2015 - Present
Undergraduate Research Assistant at University of West Florida
Undergraduate research in a physical chemistry lab setting, in preparation for graduate school-level research experience
January 2015 - Present
Chemistry Department Tutor at University of West Florida
Tutoring once a week for the following courses: General Chemistry I, General Chemistry II, and Organic Chemistry I
January 2014 - Present