Susquehanna University
Northwest Catholic High School
Abigail Johnson, of Granville, Mass. , was named to Susquehanna University's dean's list for the spring 2015 semester. The dean's list recognizes students who achieve a grade point average of 3.4 ...
May, 27 2015 - Susquehanna UniversityAbigail Johnson, of Granville, Mass. , graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in neuroscience as Susquehanna University closed its 157th academic year with annual commencement exercises on...
May, 18 2015 - Susquehanna UniversityAbigail Johnson, of Granville, Mass. , was one of 41 students from Susquehanna University who recently presented research at the 2015 annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Eastern...
April, 27 2015 - Susquehanna UniversityAbigail Johnson, of Granville, Mass. , is working as a student tour guide this year at Susquehanna University. Tour guides are responsible for representing the Susquehanna community to prospective...
April, 09 2015 - Susquehanna UniversityAbigail Johnson, of Granville, Mass., is serving an internship this spring at Susquehanna University's Office of Cross-Cultural Programs. Johnson's responsibilities include assisting within advisi...
February, 13 2015 - Susquehanna UniversityAbigail Johnson, of Granville, Mass. , was named to Susquehanna University's dean's list for the fall 2014 semester. The dean's list recognizes students who achieve a grade point average of 3.4 or ...
February, 11 2015 - Susquehanna UniversityAbigail Johnson, of Granville, Mass. , has been elected as a class senator to the Student Government Association (SGA) for the 2014-15 academic year. The SGA is a representative student organizat...
October, 29 2014 - Susquehanna University