Adam Mackey
Majored in Human Physiology, Minored in Biology
University of Iowa, Class of 2016
From Cedar Falls, IA
University of Iowa, Class of 2016
From Cedar Falls, IA
I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Iowa working towards a B.S. in Human Physiology and a Minor in Biology. I also work as an undergraduate research assistant under a HHMI investigator in a laboratory that studies muscular dystrophy. With my strong foundation in proper laboratory techniques, I hope to pursue a long-term carrier in research relating to the biological sciences.

Spring 2016 Dean's List
List of students who were named to the University of Iowa Spring 2016 Dean's List
July, 05 2016 - Verified by University of Iowa
Adam Mackey receives University of Iowa degree.
Adam Mackey, a native of Cedar Falls, IA (50613) received a BS-Human Physiology degree from the University of Iowa at the close of the spring 2016 semester. Congratulations to Adam and other spri...
June, 30 2016 - Verified by University of Iowa
Spring 2015 Dean's List
List of students who were named to the Spring 2015 Dean's List
July, 24 2015 - Verified by University of Iowa
DeGowin Blood Center Student Organization
Spring 2015 - Summer 2015
University of Iowa
Added by Adam
Alpha Phi Omega-Omicron
National Service Fraternity
Fall 2014 - Summer 2015
University of Iowa
Added by Adam
Wellstone Undergraduate Fellow at Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa
Undergraduate Researcher in Dr Kevin Campbell's Lab
August 2013 - Present
Undergraduate Research Assistant at Campbell Laboratory
-Genotyped and maintained several mouse colonies for experimental purposes.
-Isolated DNA for use in transfecting multiple cell lines.
-Extracted proteins and stained with antibodies to produce western blots.
-Sectioned tissue samples for histology.
August 2013 - Present