Alena Simpson
Rochester Institute of Technology, Class of 2020
From Overland Park, KS
Alena Simpson graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a BS in management information systems. Some 4,000 degrees were conferred in the 2019-2020 academic year at all of RIT's campuse...
August, 17 2020 - Rochester Institute of TechnologyAlena Simpson was named to the Dean's List at Rochester Institute of Technology for the 2019 Fall Semester. Degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean's List if their term GPA...
February, 26 2020 - Rochester Institute of TechnologyAlena Simpson was named to the Dean's List at Rochester Institute of Technology for the 2019 Spring Semester. Simpson is in the management information systems program. Congratulations!
July, 01 2019 - Rochester Institute of TechnologyAlena Simpson was named to the Dean's List at Rochester Institute of Technology for the 2018 Fall Semester. Simpson is in the management information systems program. Congratulations!
February, 14 2019 - Rochester Institute of TechnologyJoin data from different sources (Oracle, Salesforce, Lawson) via Alteryx, and create visual Power BI Dashboard about life limited components based on salesperson; Work with pricing team to resolve unpriced components and update the data
Guide students to success in algebra, statistics, accounting, programming, and writing