Alison Casey
Alison Casey, of Carlsbad, was one of 150 Kansas Wesleyan University students named to the Dean's Honor Roll for the Fall 2017 semester. Full-time students with a semester grade point average of 3....
December, 21 2017 - Kansas Wesleyan UniversityAlison Casey, of Carlsbad, CA, was among the 16 Kansas Wesleyan University students welcomed into the Kansas Delta chapter of Alpha Chi welcomed 16 new members on Sunday, Nov. 5. The academic hono...
November, 13 2017 - Kansas Wesleyan UniversityKansas Wesleyan University has announced the Academic All-KCAC honorees for the 2016-17 academic and athletic year. Alison Casey of Carlsbad, CA, has been named Academic All-KCAC in the sport o...
June, 21 2017 - Kansas Wesleyan UniversityAlison Casey, Carlsbad, CA, was among the 106 Kansas Wesleyan University students named to the President's Honor Roll for the Spring 2017 semester. Full-time students with a semester grade point av...
May, 12 2017 - Kansas Wesleyan UniversityAlison Casey of Carlsbad, CA has been named to the President's Honor Roll at Kansas Wesleyan University for the 2016 fall semester. One hundred and nineteen Kansas Wesleyan University students have...
December, 27 2016 - Kansas Wesleyan UniversityAlison Casey of Carlsbad , CA has been named to the Spring 2016 President's Honor Rol...
June, 10 2016 - Kansas Wesleyan UniversityAlison Casey of Carlsbad, CA has been named to the Fall 2015 President's Honor Roll at Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina, KS. Full-time students with a semester grade point average of at least 3...
January, 11 2016 - Kansas Wesleyan University