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Alyssa Norton

Majoring in Business Management, Minoring in History
Dean College, Class of 2018
From Norton, MA
If many of you are not aware, I am an individual who enjoys social interaction, involvement in campus events, and strives to be successful at everything I persue. I treat my dearest friends like I would my family, as well as lend a helping hand to whomever needs one. I try to encourage my fellow peers to engage themselves in the Dean community and strive them to be part of what Dean has to offer. With Business on the mind, there is no doubt I will reach my full potential by continuing my education at Dean College.
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Norton Resident Named to Spring 2018 Semester Dean's List at Dean College

Dean College is pleased to announce that Alyssa Norton of Norton has earned a place on the Dean's List for the Spring 2018 semester.

June, 06 2018 - Verified by Dean College
Norton Resident Named to Fall 2017 Semester Dean's List at Dean College

Dean College is pleased to announce that Alyssa Norton of Norton has earned a place on the Dean's List for the Fall 2017 semester.

January, 22 2018 - Verified by Dean College
Norton Resident Named to Dean's List at Dean College for the Spring 2017 Semester

Dean College is pleased to announce that Alyssa Norton of Norton has earned a place on the Dean's List for the Spring 2017 semester.

June, 08 2017 - Verified by Dean College
Norton Resident Named to Dean's List at Dean College for the Fall 2016 Semester

Dean College is pleased to announce that Alyssa Norton of Norton has earned a place on the Dean's List for the Fall 2016 semester.

January, 06 2017 - Verified by Dean College
Norton Resident Named to Dean's List at Dean College for Spring 2016 Semester

Dean College is pleased to announce that Alyssa Norton from Norton has earned a place on the Dean's List for the Spring 2016 semester.

May, 31 2016 - Verified by Dean College
Norton Resident Named to Spring 2015 Dean's List at Dean College

Alyssa Norton from Norton has been named to the Dean's List at Dean College for the spring 2015 semester.

June, 05 2015 - Verified by Dean College
Dean College in Franklin, MA Announces Dean's List for the Fall 2014 Semeseter

Alyssa Norton of Norton has earned Dean's List status for the fall 2014 semester at Dean College in Franklin, MA. Founded in 1865, Dean College is a private, residential college located in Frankli...

January, 01 2015 - Verified by Dean College
Alyssa Norton was recognized for being accepted to Dean College
Honors Scholar Status for the Spring 2015 Semester
Spring 2015 - Added by Alyssa
National Society of Leadership and Success
I was selected to be part of this affiliation to broaden my leadership skills and continuous rise in academia.
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 - Dean College
Added by Alyssa
Student Activities Committee (S.A.C.)
Fall 2014 - Spring 2016 - Dean College
Added by Alyssa
Hall Representative
In charge of looking after my residence hall by giving weekly updates on things wrong, upcoming events, and any concerns or ideas from residents.
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 - Dean College
Added by Alyssa
Resident Student Association
As President, my role was to delegate work between executive board members, run weekly meetings, create and help run monthly events, present presentations/ provide insight on new and upcoming things, as well as ensure the group is run under great leadership in hopes for a successful year.
Dean College
Added by Alyssa
Student Conduct Panel
Student based judicial system that is made up of student leaders. These leaders are amongst those who are authorized to conduct hearings and to impose the full range of university statuses and conditions.
Dean College
Added by Alyssa
Seasonal Sales Associate at The Paper Store
Hired to greet, welcome, and promote sales and coupons that are allowed to be used in the store. Was given opportunities to be exposed to the fashion retail, customer service skills, and day to day roles of a cashier.
September 2016 - Present
President of Resident Student Association at Resident Student Association
My particular position ensures everyone is involved and participates to make the club better. I plan and organize weekly meetings, schedule and discuss new ideas for events, and correlate with Resident Advisors and Resident Life. As a leader of this group, I hope to make my presence known as a mentor and someone who people can trust with making big decisions. With this role comes an extreme amount of responsibility, public speaking skills, leadership, determination, and drive to be successful.
July 2015 - July 2016
Head Cashier/ Scooper at J.P. Licks Homemade Ice Cream Cafe
My job details taking care of our business' customers to the best of my ability. Being humble, following protocol, and using my leadership skills gained over the years, I am able to boost morale with my other co-workers, followed by keeping a structured business attitude with new or loyal customers.
February 2013 - Present
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