Alyssa Tripp

Alyssa K. Tripp of Scranton was among the more than 600 master's and doctoral degrees, including its first Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degrees, at its graduate commencement ceremony on May 27 ...
June, 01 2017 - Verified by The University of ScrantonAlyssa Tripp of Whippany was among 1,600 students named to The University of Scranton Dean's List, which recognizes students for academic excellence during the 2016 spring semester. A student must ...
June, 23 2016 - Verified by The University of ScrantonAlyssa K. Tripp of Whippany was among the more than 900 bachelor's and associate degree recipients at The University of Scranton's undergraduate commencement, which was held May 29 at the Mohegan S...
June, 02 2016 - Verified by The University of ScrantonAlyssa Tripp of Whippany was among nearly 1,550 students named to The University of Scranton Dean's List, which recognizes students for academic excellence during the 2015 spring semester. A studen...
June, 23 2015 - Verified by The University of Scranton