Amber Gonzalez
SUNY Oswego, Class of 2017
From Brooklyn, NY

Amber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a senior psychology major, earned Deans' List recognition at SUNY Oswego for spring 2017. She was among students who received a grade point average of 3.3 to 3.79. O...
July, 13 2017 - SUNY OswegoAmber Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a senior psychology major at SUNY Oswego, volunteered with Hope House, Memphis, Tennessee as part of the college's Alternative Winter Break service program. She worked w...
February, 24 2017 - SUNY OswegoAmber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a senior majoring in psychology, has been named to the President's List for the fall 2016 semester at SUNY Oswego. She was among Oswego students who achieved a grade...
January, 23 2017 - SUNY OswegoAmber Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a senior majoring in psychology, has been named to the President's List for the spring 2016 semester at SUNY Oswego. She was among Oswego students who achieved a grade ...
June, 06 2016 - SUNY OswegoAmber Gonzalez of Brooklyn was honored at SUNY Oswego's recent 2016 Honors Convocation, receiving the Edward Austin Sheldon Award. Gonzalez is a junior studying psychology at Oswego. She plans to ...
April, 26 2016 - SUNY OswegoAmber Gonzalez of Brooklyn, N.Y., was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Gonz...
April, 07 2016 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiAmber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a junior psychology major, earned Deans' List recognition at SUNY Oswego for fall 2015. She was among students who received a grade point average of 3.3 to 3.79. Stu...
December, 29 2015 - SUNY OswegoAmber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a junior majoring in psychology, has been named to the President's List for the spring 2015 semester at SUNY Oswego. Students who achieve grade averages of 3.80 and ...
June, 23 2015 - SUNY OswegoAmber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a sophomore majoring in public relations, has been named to the President's List for the fall 2014 semester at SUNY Oswego. Students who achieve grade averages of 3....
January, 30 2015 - SUNY OswegoAmber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a sophomore public relations major, has been named to the Deans' List for the spring 2014 semester at SUNY Oswego. The President's and Deans' lists represent the aca...
June, 20 2014 - SUNY OswegoAmber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn, a freshman majoring in undeclared undergraduate, has been named to the Deans' List for the fall 2013 semester at SUNY Oswego. The President's and Deans' lists repres...
January, 17 2014 - SUNY OswegoAmber L. Gonzalez of Brooklyn has reserved a place as a freshman at SUNY Oswego. Fall classes will begin Aug. 26. She is a graduate of High School of Economics & Finance. ...
July, 24 2013 - SUNY Oswego