Anna Craig, a Senior Nursing major of Fountain Inn, was among approximately 520 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2018 President's List. The President's List recognizes those stude...
May, 08 2018 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityThe Bob Jones University Alumni Association recently recognized Anna Craig, a Senior Nursing major from Fountain Inn, as a legacy student. Each year the BJU Alumni Association is pleased to recogn...
February, 26 2018 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAnna Craig, a Senior Nursing major of Fountain Inn, was among approximately 890 Bob Jones University students named to the Fall 2017 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn a 3.0...
December, 26 2017 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAnna Craig, a Junior Nursing major of Fountain Inn, was among approximately 860 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2017 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn a 3...
May, 15 2017 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAnna Craig, a Junior Nursing major of Oliver Springs, was among approximately 900 Bob Jones University students named to the Fall 2016 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn a 3...
January, 03 2017 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAnna Craig, a Junior Nursing major of Oliver Springs, was among approximately 890 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2016 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn a ...
May, 23 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAnna Craig, a Sophomore Nursing major of Oliver Springs, was among approximately 480 Bob Jones University students named to the Fall 2015 President's List. This President's List recognizes students...
January, 04 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAnna Craig, a Freshman Nursing major of Oliver Springs, was among approximately 480 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2015 President's List. This President's List recognizes student...
May, 26 2015 - Verified by Bob Jones University