Brandy Burnett
Currently seeking a position in advocacy with children, families, community and/or education to continue building upon my strong commitment to serving the needs of children and families in Kansas. As well as constructing and strengthening welfare, education and government systems and policies to improve knowledge and skills with evidence based innovative approaches and techniques.
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Washburn University Announces Spring 2018 Dean's List
Washburn University has announced its spring 2018 Dean's List honorees. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must be enrolled in 12 hours of graded credits and earn a semester grade point avera...
August, 13 2018 - Verified by Washburn University
Washburn University Announces Spring 2018 Graduates
Washburn University is pleased to announce its graduating class of students in spring 2018. "These students have put in the hard work required and we are proud to award them degrees from Washburn ...
August, 08 2018 - Verified by Washburn University
Washburn University Announces Brandy Burnett Qualified for the Dean's List for Fall 2017
Washburn University has announced its fall 2017 Dean's List honorees. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must be enrolled in 12 hours of graded credits and earn a semester grade point average...
February, 23 2018 - Verified by Washburn University
Brandy Burnett was recognized for earning a spot on an honors list
Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Inductee- Vice President of Public Relations
One of the first members to Charter with PTKAW (Phi Theta Kappa Alumni of Washburn) as the only chartered Alumni Honor Society in Kansas.
Organizer/lead for PTKAW 5K Run Fall 2017
Numerous speaking events, including induction Ceremony for incoming members.
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 -
Added by Brandy
Family Support Worker at KVC Health Systems
As a family support worker with KBC. I have provided consistent, competent support to children and families in foster care with effective communication, rapport building and boundary setting using evidence based best practices. My responsibilities have included supervising visitation's between families, transportation of clients, client assessments, crisis- intervention and efficient and timely documentation reporting. In August 2017, I started my employee-based Social Work Internship in the Permanency Department focusing on case management. For Spring 2018, my internship will be focused in the child placing agency department focusing on regulations and licensure. As of 11/27/17, my supervisors provided the growth opportunity of providing case management, taking on a case load of 14 cases. Current responsibilities also include court reports, case planning and continual engagement with parent's and families to coordinate and maintain effective communication. During my time with KVC i have been provided opportunities to help train other incoming staff on different computer systems used within agency. As well as provided observation during my visitations and client engagement. I have attended a panel board for MAPP class, and was invited to train in Fall 2017, based on my work experience, at Washburn university in the Child Welfare course. Instructor evaluations were positive noting the comprehensiveness of my instruction, my knowledge of the topic, my delivery manner and my professionalism.
October 2015 - Present