Brittany Burke
Montclair State University, Class of 2022
From Roxbury, NJ

Montclair State University
Roxbury High School
Brittany Burke of Wharton, NJ was named to Montclair State University's Fall 2021 Dean's List. Burke is a/n Business Administration major. Burke was among more than 6,000 students named to the Fall...
January, 18 2022 - Verified by Montclair State UniversityBrittany Burke of Wharton, NJ was named to Montclair State University's Spring 2021 Dean's List. Burke is a/n Business Administration major. Burke was among almost 6,000 students named to the Spri...
July, 14 2021 - Verified by Montclair State UniversityBrittany Burke of Wharton, NJ was named to Montclair State University's Fall 2020 Dean's List. Burke is a/n Business Administration major. Burke was among almost 7,000 students named to the Fall 2...
January, 29 2021 - Verified by Montclair State UniversityBrittany Burke of Wharton, NJ was named to Montclair State University's Spring 2020 Dean's List. Burke is a/n Business Administration major. Burke excelled during an unprecedented semester--includ...
August, 12 2020 - Verified by Montclair State UniversityTraining new employees in all aspects of the business by enhancing customer service and increasing annual sales. Cater monthly events at local hospitals, and supporting with regular inventory tracking and financial management.