Carla Abodalo, M.S.
Senior Instructor of Sociology, Sociology and Anthropology at Albright College
From Reading, Pa.
From Reading, Pa.
Carla Abodalo is a criminologist with decades of experience in researching violent crimes. Whether it is delving into the mind of a serial killer or learning of the lifelong trauma and pain associated with being a crime victim she fosters a learning environment for students where connections between experiential and scholarly knowledge are examined. To enhance these connections, she established a departmental Crime Lab utilized by students for the collection, analysis and staging of mock crime scenes. She also serves as faculty advisor for the Criminal Justice Society, and is a supporting faculty member for the Women and Gender Studies program. She is a also staunch advocate committed to increasing the quality of justice and reduction of violence against women and children globally.

Criminology Professor at Albright College
January 1997 - Present
“Flash-mob Violence Unlikely in Berks, Officials Say.”
Brudereck, Jason. Published in the Reading Eagle, 26 August 2011.
August 2011 -
Advances in technology are changing the way crimes are investigated
December, 16 2022 - Verified by Albright College
Advances in technology are changing the way crimes are investigated | Berks Regional News |
December, 16 2022 - Verified by Albright College