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Chace Avery

Majoring in Biochemistry
University of Evansville
From New Salisbury, IN
"Prejudice, a dirty word, and faith, a clean one, have something in common: They both begin where reason ends." - Harper Lee, "Go Set A Watchman"
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University of Evansville Celebrates 161st Commencement Ceremony on May 11

The University of Evansville bestowed 497 degrees upon 475 graduates during the 161st commencemeny ceremony on Saturday, May 11. President Christopher Pietruszkiewicz presided. Several awards were given at the ceremony including the Mabel Dillingha...

May, 11 2019 - Verified by University of Evansville
Chace Avery of New Salisbury Named to University of Evansville Dean's List

Chace Avery of New Salisbury, IN, has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2018. Avery is majoring in Biochemistry. To ma...

December, 21 2018 - Verified by University of Evansville
Chace Avery Named to University of Evansville Dean's List

Chace Avery of New Salisbury, IN has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2018. Avery is majoring in Biochemistry. To ma...

May, 16 2018 - Verified by University of Evansville
Chace Avery of New Salisbury Named to University of Evansville Dean's List

Chace Avery of New Salisbury, IN (47161) has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2017. Chace is majoring in Biochemistry....

January, 05 2018 - Verified by University of Evansville
Chace Avery Named to University of Evansville Dean's List

Chace Avery of New Salisbury, IN has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2017. Avery is majoring in Biochemistry. To m...

May, 16 2017 - Verified by University of Evansville
Chace Avery of New Salisbury Named to University of Evansville Dean's List

Chace Avery of New Salisbury, IN, (47161) has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2016. Chace is majoring in Biochemistry...

January, 04 2017 - Verified by University of Evansville
Chace Avery of New Salisbury Named to University of Evansville Dean's List

Chace Avery of New Salisbury, IN, has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2016. Avery is majoring in Biochemistry. To ...

May, 17 2016 - Verified by University of Evansville
Chace Avery of New Salisbury Named to University of Evansville Dean's List

Chace Avery of New Salisbury, IN 47161 has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2015. Chace is majoring in Biochemistry T...

January, 21 2016 - Verified by University of Evansville
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Communication skills have been built. A sense of camaraderie has been achieved, and and the importance of philanthropy has been unveiled.
Fall 2016 - University of Evansville
Added by Chace
Student Christian Fellowship
The goal of this organization is to produce "confident carriers of the Gospel" to reach people of campus, communities, and nations. A growth in faith and prayer skills is developed to help the individual become more well-rounded. This organization helps one improve all aspects of health through learning how to depend on faith in God.
Fall 2016 - University of Evansville
Added by Chace
Cashier at Cave Country Canoes
Informing people about possible canoe trips on the Blue River. Monetary jobs (running the register, taking money to the bank, etc.) This is a seasonal job.
March 2015 - Present
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