Chase Sparks

Chase Sparks graduated from Jacksonville State University during the Spring 2020 semester, earning a Computer Science degree. Due to COVID-19, the university has postponed its spring commencement c...
May, 08 2020 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityChase Sparks of Maylene was named to the Dean's List at Jacksonville State University for outstanding academic performance over the Fall 2019 semester. To be named to the President's List, a stude...
January, 08 2020 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMore than 500 students were named to JSU's elite marching band, the Marching Southerners, for the 2018 season.
October, 01 2019 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityChase Sparks of Alabaster, AL performed in the Rome New Year's Day Parade as a member of the Jacksonville State University Marching Southerners on Jan. 1. Members of JSU's world-renowned marching ...
February, 18 2019 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityChase McLee Sparks has been named to the President's List at Jacksonville State University. Sparks is a Junior majoring in Computer Science at JSU.
January, 14 2019 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityChase Sparks of Maylene AL has been named to Jacksonville State University's Dean's List for Spring 2018.
June, 06 2018 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMore than 2,000 students were named to the President's and Dean's Lists at Jacksonville State University for their outstanding academic performance during the Fall 2017 semester. To be named to th...
January, 11 2018 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMore than 500 gifted musicians and auxiliary were selected for Jacksonville State University's prestigious band program, the Marching Southerners, in Fall 2017. Chase Sparks of Maylene, AL is in th...
October, 06 2017 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMore than 500 gifted musicians and auxiliary were selected for Jacksonville State University's prestigious band program, the Marching Southerners, in Fall 2016.
June, 01 2017 - Verified by Jacksonville State University