Cletus Bijalam Mbalida
Berea College, Class of 2022
From Sogon No. 2, Chamba, Bimbilla, Ghana, Northern Region
Cletus Mbalida, a resident of Cahmba-Bimbilla, Ghana, has been named to the Spring 2022 Dean's List at Berea College. A student is named to the Dean's List who achieves a GPA of 3.4 or higher whil...
June, 02 2022 - Verified by Berea CollegeCletus Mbalida, a resident of Cahmba-Bimbilla, , has been named to the Spring 2021 Dean's List at Berea College. A student is named to the Dean's List who achieves a GPA of 3.4 or higher while pas...
July, 22 2021 - Verified by Berea CollegeCletus Bijalam Mbalida, a resident of Cahmba-Bimbilla, Ghana, has been named to the Fall 2020 Dean's List at Berea College. A student is named to the Dean's List who achieves a GPA of 3.4 or highe...
December, 17 2020 - Verified by Berea CollegeCletus Bijalam Mbalida, a resident of Cahmba-Bimbilla, has been named to the Spring 2020 Dean's List at Berea College. A student is named to the Dean's List who achieves a GPA of 3.4 or higher whi...
May, 27 2020 - Verified by Berea College