Danielle DiSalvo
Danielle DiSalvo of Williamson, NY, earned a degree from Nazareth College in December 2017. DiSalvo received a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. The graduates can chose to walk with with the C...
January, 02 2018 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Danielle DiSalvo of Williamson has been named to the dean's list for the Spring 2017 semester. DiSalvo is majoring in Nursing. A student's grade point av...
May, 25 2017 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Danielle DiSalvo of Williamson, NY (14589) has been named to the dean's list for the Fall 2016 semester. DiSalvo is studying Nursing. A student's grade po...
January, 19 2017 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Danielle DiSalvo of Williamson has been named to the dean's list for the Spring 2016 semester. DiSalvo is majoring in Nursing. A student's grade point av...
May, 26 2016 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Danielle DiSalvo of Williamson, NY has been named to the dean's list for the Fall 2015 semester. DiSalvo is studying Nursing. A student's grade point av...
January, 26 2016 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is excited to welcome you, Danielle, during your first semester as a new student! At Nazareth, purple and gold are more than our colors, they are our way of life. Good luck Danie...
August, 26 2015 - Verified by Nazareth University