Delaney Hill

Delaney Hill of London was among over 250 students whose exceptional academic work was showcased during Baldwin Wallace University's Ovation Festival 2018. Hill, a graduate of London High School ma...
July, 05 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was nominated by faculty and staff to take part in Baldwin Wallace University's 124th Annual White Rose Ceremony. Hill, a graduate of London High School majoring in psycholog...
May, 21 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was honored at the Student Life and Leadership Awards ceremony at Baldwin Wallace University during the spring 2018 semester. Hill, a graduate of London High School majoring ...
May, 10 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among 65 students who participated in the 17th Annual Dance Marathon at Baldwin Wallace University. As the largest philanthropy organization on campus, Dance Marathon bri...
March, 20 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology, has been named to the Dean's List for the fall 2017 semester at Baldwin Wallace University, according to Stephen D. ...
January, 17 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among 19 students who participated in BW's "Ghana Beat: The Drums of Tradition and Change" study abroad program, a transformative three-week learning experience in multip...
November, 15 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among more than 600 students who earned endowed scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University this fall. Hill, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology, earne...
November, 07 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology, has been named to the Dean's List for the spring 2017 semester at Baldwin Wallace University, according to Stephen D...
June, 21 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among over 180 students whose exceptional academic work was showcased during Baldwin Wallace University's Ovation Festival 2017. Hill, a graduate of London High School ma...
June, 06 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among over 80 students who participated in the 16th Annual Dance Marathon at Baldwin Wallace University. As the largest philanthropy organization on campus, Dance Maratho...
March, 29 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among 18 Baldwin Wallace University students who spent the fall 2016 semester learning in another country through the BW Study Abroad Center's Independent Study program. ...
March, 15 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London stands among a distinguished group of students at Baldwin Wallace University that has reached BW's pinnacle of academic honor society achievement with fall 2016 induction int...
December, 20 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among more than 500 students who earned endowed scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University this fall. Hill, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology, earne...
October, 19 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology has been named to the Dean's List for the spring 2016 semester at Baldwin Wallace University, according to Stephen D....
June, 27 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was inducted into the Baldwin Wallace University chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, in the spring 2016 semester. Hill, a graduate of London Hi...
May, 16 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was among over 130 students who participated in the 15th Annual Dance Marathon at Baldwin Wallace University. As the largest philanthropy organization on campus, Dance Marath...
April, 28 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall Semester 2015 at Baldwin Wallace University, according to Stephen D. ...
February, 12 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London was inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society for First-Year Students at Baldwin Wallace University in the fall 2015 semester. Hill, a graduate of London High S...
December, 04 2015 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology, has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring Semester 2015 at Baldwin Wallace University, according to Stephen D...
August, 25 2015 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace UniversityDelaney Hill of London, a graduate of London High School majoring in psychology, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall Semester 2014 at Baldwin Wallace University, according to Stephen D. ...
January, 26 2015 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University