Samuel Mellits
From Bala Cynwyd, PA

Samuel Mellits of Bala Cynwyd, a member of Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine's (GCSOM) MD Class of 2020, delivered remarks at GCSOM's White Coat ceremony welcoming the new MD Class of 2023....
August, 08 2019 - Verified by Geisinger College of Health SciencesSamuel Mellits of Bala Cynwyd and several other students at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine planned and organized the school's first Freedom Seder, held on March 12. It is the students' i...
March, 14 2018 - Verified by Geisinger College of Health SciencesSamuel Mellits of Bala Cynwyd and other student leaders representing Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine's (Geisinger Commonwealth) MD Class of 2020 recently organized a multi site "Day of Se...
October, 10 2017 - Verified by Geisinger College of Health SciencesSamuel Mellits of Bala Cynwyd and other second-year medical students at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine (Geisinger Commonwealth) are this year's organizers of the school's annual Turkey T...
August, 30 2017 - Verified by Geisinger College of Health SciencesSamuel Mellits and other first-year Doctor of Medicine (MD) students received the first symbol of their new profession as The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC) held its eighth annual White Coat C...
August, 31 2016 - Verified by Geisinger College of Health Sciences