Jason Munsell
From Tahlequah, OK

The University of South Carolina Aiken's Department of Communication and Emerging Media held an academic awards celebration on Monday, April 24, celebrating inductees of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association's official honor society at ...
May, 03 2023 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken (USC Aiken) hosted the 2022 Annual Carolina Communication Association (CCA) Conference "Back in the Saddle Again" on Sept. 23 and 24. For students considering graduate school, the conference provides the opportun...
October, 17 2022 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken (USCA) inducted 25 new members to its Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) chapter on Thursday, November 11. ALD is a certified national honor society that recognizes academic excellence in the first year at a college or uni...
November, 16 2021 - USC AikenRepresentatives from the University of South Carolina Aiken's (USCA) Department of Communication and Emerging Media won big at the annual Carolina Communications Association (CCA) Conference, held on September 25. CCA promotes the discipline of communi...
October, 01 2021 - USC AikenThe Department of Communication at the University of South Carolina Aiken (UofSC Aiken) held a public speaking competition featuring students from across the university this spring. The event was held virtually, and included the top ten students ac...
May, 25 2021 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken (UofSC Aiken) recently presented the 2021 Faculty Excellence Awards to five faculty members. "Presented by the Honors, Awards, and Scholarship Committee, these prestigious awards are given to outstanding UofSC Ai...
May, 21 2021 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken announced the installation of a new chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta on its campus Wednesday, November 4, 2020. This marked the 385th chapter of the honor society since its inception over 95 years ago. Alpha ...
November, 16 2020 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the national communication honor society, welcomed several new members this semester. "I'm proud of these students. This is a big group of inductees. One of the biggest cohorts in...
May, 19 2020 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken now boasts one more student organization to the almost 100 already on campus: Alpha Lambda Delta, the national honor society for first-year success. In conjunction with the organization's national leadersh...
April, 03 2020 - USC AikenDr. Jason Munsell, associate professor of communication at the University of South Carolina Aiken, was elected 2nd vice president of the Carolinas Communication Association during its annual conference in Hilton Head. "I'm always willing to ser...
October, 08 2019 - USC AikenDuring its annual conference in Hilton Head, the Carolinas Communication Association awarded Dr. Jason Munsell the Ray Camp Research Award - for the third time. "I heard some great papers at the c...
October, 01 2019 - USC AikenDr. Jason Munsell, associate professor of communication at the University of South Carolina Aiken, was elected 2nd vice president of the Carolinas Communication Association during its annual confer...
October, 01 2019 - USC AikenDuring its annual conference in Hilton Head, the Carolinas Communication Association awarded Dr. Jason Munsell the Ray Camp Research Award - for the third time. "I heard some great papers at the conference, and I'm honored mine was selected for...
October, 01 2019 - USC AikenThis year is a big one for the University of South Carolina Aiken Department of Communication as it celebrates two decades of offering a communication degree, and its 600th graduate received a diploma during commencement May 8. Additionally, some membe...
May, 24 2019 - USC AikenLambda Pi Eta, the national communication honor society, inducted 14 new members at the University of South Carolina Aiken, just before graduation. In addition to 13 students, the USC Aiken Department of Communication honored retiring faculty m...
May, 17 2019 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken's student newspaper, Pacer Times, earned five awards from the South Carolina Press Association. Amber Perry, a Class of '18 communication major, won first place in the feature story category for her article on ...
May, 02 2019 - USC AikenThe Carolinas Communication Association recently awarded the Lloyd Rohler Career Teaching Award to Dr. Charmaine Wilson, chair of the University of South Carolina Aiken Department of Communication. According to the association, this award recognizes...
October, 25 2018 - USC AikenLambda Pi Eta, the national communication honor society, inducted 29 new members at the University of South Carolina Aiken on May 2, 2018. The following USC Aiken students were inducted at the ceremony held on the USC Aiken campus: Hannah Elizabeth ...
May, 04 2018 - USC Aiken