Erin Georgia
From Trussville, AL

Erin J Georgia of Trussville, AL, was named to the spring 2018 dean's list at Samford University. Georgia is a Senior Organizational Leadership (DC) major. Samford releases dean's lists after the ...
May, 30 2018 - Verified by Samford UniversityErin J Georgia of Trussville, AL, was named to the fall 2017 Dean's List at Samford University. Georgia is a Senior Organizational Leadership (DC) major. Samford releases dean's lists after the c...
January, 29 2018 - Verified by Samford UniversityErin J. Georgia of Trussville, Alabama, was named to the spring 2017 Dean's List at Samford University. Samford releases dean's lists after the close of the fall and spring semesters each academi...
June, 02 2017 - Verified by Samford UniversityErin Georgia of Trussville, Alabama, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Georgia is pur...
February, 14 2017 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiErin J. Georgia of Trussville was named to the fall 2016 Dean's List at Samford University. Samford releases dean's lists after the close of the fall and spring semesters each academic year. To q...
January, 12 2017 - Verified by Samford University