Eliana Johnson
Georgia College & State University, Class of 2019
From Athens, GA

Eliana Johnson of Athens, GA, has completed courses with exemplary marks and made the President's List for the 2019 fall semester at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Georgia.
January, 16 2020 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson from Athens, GA, graduated from Georgia College in Fall 2019 with a Psychology degree.
January, 14 2020 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson of Athens, GA, has completed courses with exemplary marks and made the President's List for the 2019 spring semester at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Ga. Students who make a ter...
May, 28 2019 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson of Athens, Georgia, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Johnson was initi...
February, 04 2019 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiEliana Johnson of Athens, GA, has completed courses with exemplary marks and made the President's List for the 2018 fall semester at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Ga.
January, 08 2019 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson of Athens has completed courses with exemplary marks and made the President's List for the 2018 Spring semester at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Ga.
May, 24 2018 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson from Athens was recognized at the 12th Annual Psychology Recognition Reception [PSYC CON]. Eliana was recogized with the High performing junior award. Outstanding first years, sopho...
April, 13 2018 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson of Athens, GA completed courses with exemplary marks and made the Dean's List for the 2017 fall semester at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Ga. Georgia College, the state's design...
January, 09 2018 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson of Athens has completed courses with exemplary marks and made the President's List for the 2017 spring semester at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Ga.
May, 17 2017 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson from Athens has been accepted into the Georgia College Honors Program for the 2016-2017 academic year. The Honors Program is designed for intellectually talented and motivated stude...
January, 25 2017 - Verified by Georgia College & State UniversityEliana Johnson, of Athens, enrolled at Georgia College. Eliana joins the nearly 1,400 new students that make up the Class of 2020. For all the right reasons, we're glad you're in Bobcat Territory.
August, 18 2016 - Verified by Georgia College & State University