Erik Karpinski
From Northbrook, IL

Erik Karpinski from Northbrook, IL graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, while majoring in Mechanical Engineering, from Bradley University in May. Karpinski was among mor...
June, 24 2020 - Bradley UniversityErik Karpinski of Northbrook, (60062) IL is one of 2600 students who was named to Bradley's Dean's List for the Spring 2020 semester. Karpinski is a Mechanical Engineering major. To be eligible fo...
June, 04 2020 - Bradley UniversityErik Karpinski of Northbrook, IL was named to the Bradley University Fall 2019 Dean's List. Karpinski is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and is among the 1900 students named to the Fall 2019 De...
January, 06 2020 - Bradley UniversityErik Karpinski of Northbrook, IL was named to the Bradley University Spring 2019 Dean's List. Karpinski is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and is among the 1700 students named to the Sp...
May, 28 2019 - Bradley UniversityErik Karpinski of Northbrook, IL (60062) has been named to the Fall 2018 Dean's List at Bradley University. Those full-time students who earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 grading scale ...
December, 24 2018 - Bradley University