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Hannah Stater

Majored in Harp Performance
Baldwin Wallace University, Class of 2019
From Sewickley, PA
Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Hannah Stater is a Harp Performance major at Baldwin Wallace University Conservatory of Music where she studies with Professor Jody Guinn. There she has also completed secondary private piano lessons with Dr. Zarina Melik Stepanova as an underclassman. At Baldwin Wallace, Stater has performed in several symphonic ensemble concerts and operas including Peter Brook's La Tragdie of Carmen, Mahler's Kindertotenlieder, and Mackey's Wine Dark Sea. Stater is the principal harpist of Baldwin Wallace University Symphonic Wind Ensemble with whom she traveled to Carnegie Hall this past February to perform Puts' Millenium Canons, Wagner's Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral, and the world premiere of Dr. Clint Needham's Trio Concerto with The Factory Seconds. Stater will be performing Benjamin Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra with the Baldwin Wallace Symphony Orchestra this upcoming April as well as a few other concerts with the BWs Treble Choir and Symphonic Wind Ensemble.This past December, Stater received the honor of being inducted into the Dayton C. Miller Honor Society for her scholastic achievement in addition to being on the Dean's List for five consecutive semesters. In Spring of 2018, Stater was named the recipient of the Martha Goldsworthy Arnold Talent Scholarship. She was also just recently initiated into the Mu Phi chapter of Mu Phi Epsilona co-educational International Professional Music Fraternity and was elected as the chapters historian. Stater is a founding member and the Logistics Coordinator of Fem ValoreBaldwin Wallace's only all-female a cappella group. Stater will be performing with Fem Valore and in several other musical acts on harp, voice, and piano in her third year at PRISMa student-run, multi-art concert featuring original works by students and other artists. Upon graduation from Baldwin Wallace with a Bachelor of Music Degree, she hopes to pursue a master's degree in Harp Performance.
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Hannah Stater graduates summa cum laude from Baldwin Wallace University

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School, graduated summa cum laude from Baldwin Wallace University in Berea, Ohio, with a Bachelor of Music: Instrumental Performance...

July, 08 2019 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Baldwin Wallace University Dean's List

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in instrumental performance, has been named to the Dean's List for the spring 2019 semester at Baldwin Wallace Unive...

June, 26 2019 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Baldwin Wallace University Dean's List

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in instrumental performance, has been named to the Dean's List for the fall 2018 semester at Baldwin Wallace Univers...

January, 24 2019 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater earns endowed scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University

Hannah Stater of Sewickley was among more than 600 students who earned endowed scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University this fall. Stater, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in ...

October, 23 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Baldwin Wallace University Dean's List

Baldwin Wallace University Provost Stephen D. Stahl is pleased to announce that Hannah Stater has been named to the Dean's List for the spring 2018 semester. Any full-time student who achieves a GP...

July, 23 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Baldwin Wallace University Dean's List

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in instrumental performance, has been named to the Dean's List for the fall 2017 semester at Baldwin Wallace Univers...

January, 17 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater inducted into Baldwin Wallace University's elite Dayton C. Miller Honor Society

Hannah Stater of Sewickley stands among a distinguished group of students at Baldwin Wallace University that has reached BW's pinnacle of academic honor society achievement with fall 2017 induction...

January, 04 2018 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater earns endowed scholarship at Baldwin Wallace University

Hannah Stater of Sewickley was among more than 600 students who earned endowed scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University this fall. Stater, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr High School majoring in i...

November, 07 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Baldwin Wallace University Dean's List

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in instrumental performance, has been named to the Dean's List for the spring 2017 semester at Baldwin Wallace Unive...

June, 21 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Baldwin Wallace University Dean's List

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in instrumental performance, has been named to the Dean's List for the fall 2016 semester at Baldwin Wallace Univers...

January, 20 2017 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater earns endowed scholarship at Baldwin Wallace University

Hannah Stater of Sewickley was among more than 500 students who earned endowed scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University this fall. Stater, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr High School majoring in i...

October, 19 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Baldwin Wallace University Dean's List

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in instrumental performance has been named to the Dean's List for the spring 2016 semester at Baldwin Wallace Univer...

June, 27 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater named to Fall 2015 Dean's List at Baldwin Wallace University

Hannah Stater of Sewickley, a graduate of Quaker Valley Sr. High School majoring in instrumental performance, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall Semester 2015 at Baldwin Wallace Univers...

February, 12 2016 - Verified by Baldwin Wallace University
Hannah Stater was recognized for an accomplishment
Martha Goldsworthy Arnold Talent Scholarship
Spring 2018 - Added by Hannah
Hannah Stater was recognized for earning an academic award
Dayton C. Miller Honor Society
Fall 2017 - Added by Hannah
Hannah Stater was recognized for graduating
Spring 2015 - Added by Hannah
Hannah Stater was recognized for earning a scholarship
FRIENDS of Quaker Valley Academic Scholarship
Spring 2015 - Added by Hannah
Hannah Stater was recognized for earning an academic award
Fred Waring Director's Award for Chorus
Spring 2015 - Added by Hannah
Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Fall 2016 - Fall 2017 - Baldwin Wallace University
Added by Hannah
Symphony Orchestra
Spring 2016 - Fall 2017 - Baldwin Wallace University
Added by Hannah
Symphonic Band
Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 - Baldwin Wallace University
Added by Hannah
Yearbook Committee
I was a photographer, editor, and creative designer for my high school's yearbook committee.
Fall 2012 - Spring 2014 - Quaker Valley High School
Added by Hannah
Vocal Ensemble
I was a soprano in my high school's audition based vocal ensemble. I performed featured solos and in background in pieces and sang in a Capella and accompanied songs with about 17 other students accepted into the ensemble.
Fall 2012 - Spring 2015 - Quaker Valley High School
Added by Hannah
BW Honors Program
Baldwin Wallace University
Added by Hannah
Baldwin Wallace Honors Representatives
Baldwin Wallace University
Added by Hannah
Blood Drive Volunteer
I was a volunteer at my high school's annual blood drive. I urged individuals to sign up to donate blood to the Central Blood Bank. I helped donors with getting snacks, taking them to their stations, and taking care of them after they donated the blood.
Quaker Valley High School
Added by Hannah
Assistant Librarian at Baldwin Wallace Jones Music Library
August 2017 - Present
Day Camp Counselor at YMCA
June 2017 - August 2017
Telejacket at Baldwin Wallace University Alumni House
September 2016 - May 2017
Keyboard Musicianship Tutor at Baldwin Wallace University

I tutor Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music students who wish to receive help in the area of the piano for Keyboard Musicianship courses and for keyboard proficiency.

August 2016 - Present
Solfege/Eurhythmics Tutor at Baldwin Wallace University

I tutor students at the Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music who wish to develop their ear training and rhythmic skills.

August 2016 - Present
Tonal Harmony Tutor at Baldwin Wallace University

I tutor students of the Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music needing help with music theory homework and practice.

August 2016 - Present
Sales Associate at Forever 21 Inc.
July 2015 - December 2016
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