Hannah Erickson
Majoring in English Education, Minoring in Leadership, Political Science
University of Jamestown, Class of 2018
From Fargo, ND
University of Jamestown, Class of 2018
From Fargo, ND
I love English, especially the ways that one can use English to connect with so many different people. I also really enjoy volunteering and helping others. I hope to be able to travel the world one day and help others in the process.
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Erickson named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities
At the annual University of Jamestown Honor's Convocation, held Thursday April 20, 2017, Hannah Erickson, of Fargo, ND (58104) was one of the students named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Un...
May, 04 2017 - Verified by University of Jamestown
Hannah Erickson Named to Dean's List at the University of Jamestown
Hannah Erickson of Fargo, ND has received the honor of being named to the Dean's List at the University of Jamestown for the Spring 2015 semester. The Dean's list is comprised of students who have ...
May, 12 2015 - Verified by University of Jamestown
Hannah Erickson was recognized for graduating
In May 2013, I graduated from Shanley High School in Fargo, North Dakota.
Added by Hannah
Hannah Erickson was recognized for Enrolling in the University of Jamestown
I enrolled at the University of Jamestown and began classes in the fall of 2013.
Added by Hannah
Hannah Erickson was recognized for earning a scholarship
I was awarded the Tim Murphy Scholarship of $1,000. This is given to a student who demonstrates academic excellence in the fields of English and literature.
Added by Hannah
Hannah Erickson was recognized for being awarded a scholarship
I was awarded the Legacy Scholarship and the Honors Academic Scholarship.
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I joined drama in the spring of 2014, and I have participated in five shows since then. My most memorable role was when I was cast as Viola in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, which ran in the spring of 2015.
Spring 2014 - Fall 2017
University of Jamestown
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Student Ambassador
Perform various functions at school activities.
Fall 2011 - Spring 2013
Shanley High School
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I was a student writer for the school newspaper. My senior year, I was Editor-In-Chief of the newspaper.
Spring 2010 - Spring 2013
Shanley High School
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Junior Classical League
I got involved in the Junior Classical League--the Latin Club at my school--my freshman year of high school. My sophomore year, I decided to run for president of the club. I was elected by my peers and thus began my journey with one of my greatest high school experiences. I attended the National Junior Classical League conventions in 2011, 2012, and 2013; I also led three annual Dodgeball Tournaments that occurred during Catholic Schools Week; funds from this were donated to charity.
Fall 2009 - Spring 2013
Shanley High School
Added by Hannah
Students Today Leaders Forever
Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) is an organization that leads multi-day, multi-city leadership tours which have a special emphasis on reflection, education, and action. I participated in three Pay It Forward STLF tours--one my sophomore, junior, and senior years.
Shanley High School
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Cass County Youth Commission
I represented Shanley High School at the Cass County Youth Commission; the Youth Commission mirrored events that were going on in the Cass County Commission, so we learned about different offices in the community and how they functioned as a whole. We also held a fundraiser dance and donated the money to a foundation that supported kids with physical disabilities.
Shanley High School
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Habitat for Humanity
I went on the Habitat for Humanity trip in the spring of 2014 to Wichita Falls, TX. Though a lot of us had our stuff stolen out of the van in Dallas less than 24 hours after arriving, we ended up having a really good time building a home with students from Washington University in St. Louis.
University of Jamestown
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Character in Leadership
I participated in Character in Leadership my first four years at the University of Jamestown. This was a great experience that helped me create great friendships and meet new people. It also got me involved with my community and with people on a global scale.
University of Jamestown
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Student Life
I was hired to be a Residence Assistant in Kroeze Hall for the year of fall 2015-spring 2016. I was then hired to be an Assistant Resident Director for Seibold Hall and Prentice Hall for the year of fall 2016-spring 2017. Included is a photo from my Halloween Pumpkin Carving program I did in Fall 2015.
University of Jamestown
Added by Hannah
Nanny at Nanny
I was a nanny for Todd and Jan Gierke's two daughters, Alyssa and Kayla, from 2010-2012. I then was a nanny for Kristy and Rory Kiland's three children, Rhaegan, Mason, and Harrison, from 2013 to present day. I work primarily in the summer; however, with the Gierke's, I sometimes worked during the school year.
May 2010 - Present