James Carrington
James research interests lie at the intersection of biology and chemistry. While completed his BA in Cell & Molecular Biology he spent two years studying in vivo cell migration in the Roh-Johnson lab while taking summer breaks to do research with marine mammals (ORCA Peru) and drug delivery systems (Mayo Clinic Florida). James is currently in the MD-PhD program at the University of Utah School of Medicine (MS1).

James Carrington graduates from the University of Utah
James Carrington of Salem, UT, graduated from the University of Utah on April 30, 2020. Carrington, whose major is listed as Biology BA was among the 8,628 graduates who were honored during the ...
June, 24 2020 - Verified by University of Utah
James Carrington presents research at University-wide symposium
James Carrington of Salem, UT was one of more than 500 University of Utah undergraduates showcasing their research at the 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium on Tuesday, April 9 in the A. Ray ...
April, 25 2019 - Verified by University of Utah
James Carrington was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Fall 2016 - Spring 2020 -
Added by James