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Jenna Kennedy

Majored in History, Minored in Aya
University of Mount Union, Class of 2020
From Mc Arthur, OH
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Mc Arthur's Kennedy earns degree from the University of Mount Union

On Saturday, May 16, Jenna Kennedy of Mc Arthur, OH earned a Master of Education degree in Educational Leadership / from the University of Mount Union. Kennedy was one of 526 graduate and underg...

May, 18 2020 - Verified by University of Mount Union
Kennedy graduates from the University of Mount Union in the Class of 2018

On Saturday, May 12, Jenna Kennedy of McArthur, Ohio graduated from the University of Mount Union. Kennedygraduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and . Kennedy was one of more than 520...

May, 24 2018 - Verified by University of Mount Union
Jenna Kennedy Named to Spring 2016 Dean's List at Mount Union

Jenna Kennedy of Mc Arthur, OH, was named to the Dean's List for spring 2016 at the University of Mount Union. To be eligible for Dean's List, students must have completed at least 12 credit hours...

May, 23 2016 - Verified by University of Mount Union
Jenna Kennedy Receives Scholarship at University of Mount Union

Jenna Kennedy of Mc Arthur, OH, was awarded the Hartshorn Award for the 2015-2016 school year by the University of Mount Union. Each year, the university gives out numerous scholarships based on h...

September, 14 2015 - Verified by University of Mount Union
Jenna Kennedy was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
i was awarded Deans List for keeping my GPA higher than a 3.7
Fall 2014 - Summer 2015 - Added by Jenna
Cashier at Kohls Department Store
August 2015 - Present
Dispatcher at Vinton County Sheriff's Office
My responsibliities were to answer 911 calls and to be able to stay calm and get police, EMS or the fire department to the location ask quickly as possible. I also was responsible for taking normal complaint calls and walk in complaints. Filling warrants and other court paper work were also apart of the daily routine.
October 2014 - August 2015

Scholarship Dean's List

Graduation 2

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