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Jielun Zhang

Majored in Electrical Engineering
University of Dayton, Class of 2023
From Grand Forks, ND
Jielun Zhang received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Dayton (UD), Dayton, OH, USA, 2023, a M.S. degree from UD, Dayton, OH, USA, 2018, a B.S. degree from UD, Dayton, OH, USA, 2016, and a B.S. degree from Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2016. He is an assistant professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of North Dakota (UND). Prior to joining UND, he was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UD as an instructor and a researcher from 2022 to 2023. His research interests include artificial intelligence in networking analytics, network security, cybersecurity, and Internet-of-things.
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Spring 2016 Graduation

More than 1,500 undergraduates received their degrees from the University of Dayton during the spring commencement ceremony.

June, 24 2016 - University of Dayton
Jielun Zhang Named to Spring 2016 Dean's List

Congratulations, Jielun, you earned a spot on the spring 2016 dean's list, which honors undergraduate students achieving a minimum 3.5 GPA for the semester. Your hard work and commitment to academ...

June, 16 2016 - University of Dayton
Jielun Zhang named to University of Dayton dean's list

Congratulations, Jielun, you have been named to the fall 2015 dean's list, which honors undergraduate students achieving a minimum 3.5 GPA for the semester. Your hard work and commitment to academ...

January, 15 2016 - University of Dayton
Engineers Week
Engineers Week is sponsored by KEEN (Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network) and the School of Engineering Dean's office. It is coordinated by staff from the School of Engineering Dean's office and multiple engineering student organizations. Each year, a team of students and staff work to develop a schedule to celebrate the unique contributions from all engineering disciplines.
Winter 2015 - Verified by University of Dayton
Home page for information relevant to the AVIATE program & Student Flight Plan
Winter 2015 - Verified by University of Dayton
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IEEEs core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The University of Dayton IEEE Student Branch implements this mission by helping students develop technical, professional, and social skills that are essential for technological innovation and excellence.
Fall 2015 - Verified by University of Dayton
Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
Summer 2015 - Verified by University of Dayton
SGA Elections
Summer 2015 - Verified by University of Dayton
Assistant Professor at University of North Dakota

- Conduct research and proposal writing
- Supervise junior graduate/undergraduate students
- Teach graduate/undergraduate level courses

August 2023 - Present
Instructor at University of Dayton

- Teach undergraduate required courses
- Design and run lab sessions of an undergraduate course

January 2023 - August 2023
Research Assistant at University of Dayton

- Conduct research and assist on research proposal writing
- Supervise junior graduate/undergraduate students
- Deliver research seminar to undergraduate students

August 2017 - August 2023

Dean's List 2 Graduation

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