Jordan McGee

Jordan McGee of Youngstown, OH (44515) was named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall Semester 2016. McGee is a YSU Pre Social Work major.
January, 17 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityJordan McGee of Youngstown, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2015 Semester. McGee is majoring in Pre Social Work. To be eligible for the Dean's L...
January, 13 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityJordan McGee of Youngstown, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for Spring Semester 2015. McGee is majoring in Pre Social Work at YSU. To be eligible for the Dea...
June, 10 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityJordan McGee of Youngstown, OH, is among nearly 2,000 new freshmen enrolled at Youngstown State University for the 2013-14 academic year. Jordan is majoring in Pre Social Work. In all, the new stu...
August, 21 2013 - Verified by Youngstown State University