Justin Hoffman

Justin Hoffman of Hatboro, Pa., has been named to the fall 2018 Dean's List at Albright College while majoring in Biochemistry . To be eligible for the Dean's List, Albright students must earn a ...
February, 27 2019 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman of Hatboro, Pa., has been named to the fall 2017 Dean's List at Albright College while majoring in Biochemistry . To be eligible for the Dean's List, Albright students must earn a ...
February, 27 2019 - Verified by Albright CollegeAlbright College welcomes back Justin Hoffman of Hatboro, Pa., as a member of the senior class.
September, 28 2017 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a junior biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., was named to the Albright College dean's list for spring semester 2017. Albright students had to attain at least a 3.75 term grade poi...
July, 06 2017 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a junior biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., received the following award(s) at Albright College's 2017 Honors & Awards Ceremony on May 7: Undergraduate Award for Achievement in ...
May, 18 2017 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, an Albright College junior biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., presented research at the Higher Education Council of Berks County's 18th annual Undergraduate Research & Creativity...
April, 24 2017 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a junior biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., will present research at the 93rd annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, March 31 to April 2, at King's College. Hoff...
March, 28 2017 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a junior biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., was named to Albright College's Dean's List for the 2016 Fall Semester. Albright students had to attain at least a 3.75 term grade poi...
February, 14 2017 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a junior biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., is spending several weeks in Costa Rica on a faculty-led biological field study of a 5-acre property that was donated to Albright by a...
January, 04 2017 - Verified by Albright CollegeAlbright College welcomes back Justin Hoffman of Hatboro, Pa., as a member of the junior class.
October, 21 2016 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a sophomore biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., is spending the summer tackling an Albright Creative Research Experience (ACRE) project. Hoffman's project is titled "Assessing Ba...
July, 05 2016 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a sophomore biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., was named to Albright College's Dean's List for the 2016 Spring Semester. Albright students had to attain at least a 3.75 term grad...
June, 21 2016 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a sophomore biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., was named to the Albright College Dean's List for the 2015 fall semester. Albright students had to attain at least a 3.75 term gra...
February, 08 2016 - Verified by Albright CollegeAlbright College welcomes back Justin Hoffman of Hatboro, Pa., as a member of the sophomore class.
October, 09 2015 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., is spending the summer tackling an Albright Creative Research Experience (ACRE) project. Hoffman's ACRE project is titled "The Use of Drivin...
July, 13 2015 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a freshman biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., was named to the Albright College Dean's List for the 2015 spring semester. Albright students had to attain at least a 3.75 term gr...
July, 02 2015 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a freshman biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., was named to Albright's Deans List for the 2014 fall semester. Albright College students had to attain at least a 3.75 term grade po...
January, 20 2015 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a freshman biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., is a member of the Albright College Concert Choir. More than 60 students perform in Albright's four choral ensembles -- Albright An...
October, 16 2014 - Verified by Albright CollegeJustin Hoffman, a freshman biochemistry major from Hatboro, Pa., was awarded an Albright College Provost's Scholarship of $70,000 ($17,500 per year) for academic excellence. Recipients of this awa...
October, 06 2014 - Verified by Albright CollegeAlbright College welcomes Justin Hoffman of Hatboro, Pa., as a member of the freshman class.
October, 01 2014 - Verified by Albright College