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Kristin Butler

Majored in Integrated Marketing Comm, Minored in Economics
Ithaca College, Class of 2020
From Ho Ho Kus, NJ
Kristin is 20 years old and attends Ithaca College as an Integrated Marketing Communications Major and Economics minor.
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Ithaca College

Kristin Butler Graduates from Ithaca College.

Kristin Butler graduated from Ithaca College with a BS in Integrated Marketing Comm.

June, 19 2020 - Ithaca College
Kristin Butler Named to Dean's List at Ithaca College

Ithaca College student Kristin Butler was named to the Dean's List for the spring 2019 semester.

June, 18 2019 - Ithaca College
Kristin Butler Inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Kristin Butler of Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Butler was ...

February, 04 2019 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Kristin Butler Named to Dean's List at Ithaca College

Ithaca College student Kristin Butler was named to the Dean's List for the fall 2018 semester.

January, 28 2019 - Ithaca College
Kristin Butler Named to Dean's List at Ithaca College

Ithaca College student Kristin Butler was named to the Dean's List for the spring 2018 semester.

June, 27 2018 - Ithaca College
Kristin Butler Named to Dean's List at Ithaca College

Ithaca College student Kristin Butler was named to the Dean's List for the fall 2017 semester.

January, 24 2018 - Ithaca College
Kristin Butler Named to Dean's List at Ithaca College

Kristin Butler a Integrated Marketing Communications major, was named to the Dean's List in Ithaca College's School of Communications for the spring 2017 semester.

July, 28 2017 - Ithaca College
Kristin Butler Named to Dean's List at Ithaca College

Kristin Butler, a Integrated Marketing Communications major, was named to the Dean's List in Ithaca College's School of Communications for the fall 2016 semester.

February, 23 2017 - Ithaca College
Kristin Butler was recognized for earning an academic award
Student of Distinction in Principles of Economics Award. Nominated by Microeconomics Professor to be part of the select group of students at Ithaca College.
Fall 2016 - Added by Kristin
Kristin Butler was recognized for earning an academic award
The Oracle Honor Society is a historic Ithaca College honor society that recognizes academic excellence. New students who achieved a GPA within the top 10% of students in their academic school after completing two full semesters at Ithaca College are invited to accept membership into the society.
Added by Kristin
Social Media Committee for PRSSA, creating content on the blogs for campaigns and general PRSSA material. One of the members who help run social media content and the photographer for the SWISH for MAKE-A-WISH foundation event.
Spring 2017 - Ithaca College
Added by Kristin
Ambassador Program
One of the co-founders for the student-run organization at Ithaca College called the Ithaca Ambassador Program. This program The program's goals is to increase a tighter knit community surrounded by overall health and wellness for students as a resource.
Ithaca College
Added by Kristin
Active Minds @ Ithaca College (Active Minds)
Advertising Chairman
Ithaca College
Added by Kristin
Business Operations and Marketing Associate at Armored Things

Boston-based start up company building a scalable management and security platform for distributed intelligent devices to help keep stadium and university clients safe.

In charge of social media platforms, marketing collaterals, and managing delegated business processes.

June 2017 - Present
Advertising Chair at Active Minds, Inc.
Adveristing Chair for the committee in Acting Minds during my two semester term. In charge of the school bulletin on campus, as well as the creator for Active Minds associated advertisements such as posters, and the social media content organizer (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) in the club. Active minds wishes to change the conversation about mental health and end stigmas surrounded by mental illness.
November 2016 - Present
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