Kelli Johnston
Youngstown State University, Class of 2016
From North Lima, Ohio

Kelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, was inducted into the 2016 class of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges at this year's Youngstown State University Student Awards Banque...
May, 05 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, has been named to the President's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2015 semester. Kelli is majoring in Communication Studies at YSU. To be elig...
January, 13 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2015 Semester. Johnston is majoring in Communication Studies. To be eligible for t...
January, 13 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, a Senior at Youngstown State University, is President of Lambda Pi Eta at YSU. Kelli is majoring in Communications Studies at YSU.
December, 03 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, has been named to the President's List at Youngstown State University for the Spring 2015 Semester. Kelli is majoring in Comm St Interpersnl Org Track at YSU. T...
June, 10 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for Spring Semester 2015. Johnston is majoring in Comm St Interpersnl Org Track at YSU. To be e...
June, 10 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityYoungstown State University student Kelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, was recognized at YSU's Honors Convocation. Johnston received the Clarence P. Gould Society.
April, 30 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, was among more than 50 Youngstown State University students recognized at the College of Creative Arts and Communication Honors Convocation. Johnston received th...
April, 23 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, a Junior at Youngstown State University, received the Dr. Kathy Kougl Scholarship at the Department of Communication Annual Awards Banquet. Johnston is studying ...
April, 16 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2014 Semester. Johnston is majoring in Communication Studies at YSU. To be eligibl...
January, 15 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, has been named to the President's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2014 Semester. Kelli is majoring in Communication Studies at YSU. To be eligi...
January, 13 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, OH, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Spring 2014 Semester. Johnston is majoring in Communication Studies at YSU. To be eligib...
June, 06 2014 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, OH, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2013 Semester. Johnston is majoring in Communication Studies at YSU. To be eligible ...
January, 06 2014 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Spring 2013 Semester. Johnston is majoring in Communication Studies at YSU. To be eligi...
June, 07 2013 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, OH, majoring in Communication Studies at Youngstown State University, has been named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2012 semester. To be eligible for the Dean's Li...
January, 15 2013 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKelli Johnston of North Lima, OH, is among 2,100 new freshman enrolled at Youngstown State University for the 2012-13 academic year. In all, the new students hail from 19 states, including Ohio,...
August, 23 2012 - Verified by Youngstown State University