Kelly Hebert
Majored in Health And Human Performance
Austin Peay State University, Class of 2016
From Metairie, LA
Austin Peay State University, Class of 2016
From Metairie, LA
Summer 2016 Graduates
Congratulations to the students who graduated from APSU in August 2016.
August, 08 2016 - Verified by Austin Peay State University
Compliance Specialist at Peoples Health
June 2014 - Present
Research Associate I at LSU School of Public Health
I conducted telephone interviews with women living in the seven southeastern coastal parishes of Louisiana following study protocols. Through these telephone interviews, I collected data regarding their experiences and exposure levels to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 and entered it into REDCap for analysis. The study is looking at the potential health effects on women and children with regard to the spill.
October 2012 - June 2014
Research Analyst at Vanderbilt University
August 2007 - June 2008
Randstad Crew Member at Jack Daniels Distillery
May 2007 - October 2011