Kristie Kincaid

Kristie Kincaid graduated from Siena College at its 74th Commencement ceremony Sunday, May 18 at the Times Union Center in Albany, N.Y. Kincaid received a a Master of Science degree in Accounting. ...
July, 07 2014 - Verified by Siena CollegeKristie Kincaid graduated magna cum laude from Siena College with a bachelor's degree in accounting on May 19, 2013. Siena awarded 805 bachelor's and 52 Master of Science in Accounting degrees at ...
August, 14 2013 - Verified by Siena CollegeKristie Kincaid has been named to Siena College's President's List for the Spring 2013 Semester. Kincaid is majoring in Accounting and from Cicero, NY. To be included on the President's List, a s...
June, 20 2013 - Verified by Siena CollegeKristie Kincaid, a resident of Cicero, NY was named to Siena College's President's List for the Fall 2012 semester. Kincaid is a senior accounting major at Siena. To be named to the Presiden...
January, 22 2013 - Verified by Siena College