Lauren Leone
Ithaca College, Class of 2022

Lauren Leone graduated Summa cum Laude from Ithaca College with a BA in Journalism and Politics.
July, 06 2022 - Ithaca CollegeIthaca College student Lauren Leone was named to the Dean's List for the spring 2021 semester.
June, 24 2021 - Ithaca CollegeIthaca College student Lauren Leone was named to the Dean's List for the fall 2020 semester.
February, 03 2021 - Ithaca CollegeIthaca College student Lauren Leone was named to the Dean's List for the fall 2019 semester.
July, 20 2020 - Ithaca CollegeIthaca College student Lauren Leone was named to the Dean's List for the spring 2020 semester.
June, 18 2020 - Ithaca CollegeIthaca College student Lauren Leone was named to the Dean's List for the spring 2019 semester.
June, 18 2019 - Ithaca CollegeIthaca College student Lauren Leone was named to the Dean's List for the fall 2018 semester.
January, 28 2019 - Ithaca College Produce news scripts to be read by WBFO anchors on-air during hourly newscasts
Record and transcribe phone interviews with sources and edit cuts on Adobe Audition and Premiere software
Prepare research and assist WBFO reporters with long-term radio projects
Cover civil rights, religion, politics and the Super Tuesday 2020 primaries with Park School professors and students
Produce a two-way interview and a news spot and contribute to election night coverage for WKNO newscasts
Write hourly news script on deadline
Record audio in studio
Edit audio on Cool Edit Pro software
Produce commercials for local businesses
Field reporting, interviewing, research and feature stories
Write 50 articles about events, government and legislation, school board meetings, court reporting and feature stories
Copy editing, field reporting, data research, photojournalism, in-depth interviews and post-internship freelancing
Attend regular staff and team meetings
Receive narration and interview coaching and board training
Lead and contribute write 120 140-word community-based headline broadcasts
Lead host and co-host live programs
-Read headlines, weather reports and service announcements on-air during evening news
Manage board engineering in live and pre-recorded settings
Record and edit audio
Produce professional-quality news features, breaking news spots and two-way interviews for evening news program
Report in breaking news and in-depth formats