Madison Erickson

Iowa State University
Alden-Conger Secondary
Madison Erickson earns Fall 2018 Dean's List honors at Iowa State University
Madison Erickson was named to the Fall 2018 Dean's List in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University. The Dean's List honors students who were enrolled in 12 credit hour...
February, 04 2019 - Iowa State University
Madison Erickson earns Spring 2018 Dean's List honors at Iowa State University
Madison Erickson was named to the Spring 2018 Dean's List in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University. The Dean's List honors students who were enrolled in 12 credit ho...
June, 11 2018 - Iowa State University
Social Media Coordinator at Intego
I work remotely on Intego Insurance's social media and blog.
October 2017 - Present
Farmhand at Erickson Farms
June 2008 - Present