Marlana Haas
Western New England University, Class of 2024
From Granby, MA

Marlana J. Haas graduated from Western New England University with a MS in Engineering Management. The graduate ceremony was held on Sunday, May 19, at the MassMutual Center in downtown Springfie...
July, 29 2024 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana J. Haas graduated Summa Cum Laude from Western New England University with a BSE in Computer Engineering on February 15, 2020.
June, 25 2020 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas was welcomed into Tau Beta Pi National Honor Society on May 15 at the Western New England University chapter's annual induction ceremony. Tau Beta Pi is a national honor society for en...
May, 27 2020 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas has been named to the President's List at Western New England University for the Fall Semester 2019. Students are named to the President's List for achieving a semester grade point ave...
February, 11 2020 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana J Haas has been named to the President's List at Western New England University for the Spring 2019. Students are named to the President's List for achieving a semester grade point average ...
September, 03 2019 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana J Haas has been named to the President's List at Western New England University for the Fall 2018. Haas is working toward a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Computer Engineering. Stude...
February, 28 2019 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas has been named to the President's List at Western New England University for the Spring 2018. Haas is working toward a degree in Computer Engineering. Students are named to the Presid...
July, 03 2018 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas was welcomed into Mortar Board National Honor Society on April 10, at the Western New England University chapter's annual induction ceremony. Mortar Board is the senior honor society a...
May, 14 2018 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas, of Granby, MA (01033), has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England University for the Fall Semester of 2017. Haas is working toward a degree in Computer Engineering. Stu...
February, 19 2018 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas was welcomed into Western New England University's chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society on August 25, during the University's Convocation ceremony. Haas is majoring in ...
September, 18 2017 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England University for the Spring Semester 2017. Haas is working toward a degree in Computer Engineering. Students are named to the De...
June, 20 2017 - Verified by Western New England UniversityMarlana Haas, of Granby, MA (01033), has been named to the President's List at Western New England University for the Fall semester of 2016. Haas is working toward a degree in Computer Engineering....
February, 06 2017 - Verified by Western New England University