Mmachi Dimoriaku
Wilkes University, Class of 2020
From Bronx, N.Y.

The Center for Global Education and Diversity at Wilkes University recently presented its 2020 multicultural awards. The awards recognize students, faculty and staff who have supported and improved the diversity climate on campus, increased internation...
May, 26 2020 - Verified by Wilkes UniversityWilkes University Theatre presents the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning play, Doubt, A Parable. The performances will take place on Sept. 26, 27 and 28 at 8 p.m. with matinee performances on Sept. 28 and 29 at 2 p.m. The production is at Wilkes' D...
September, 18 2019 - Verified by Wilkes UniversityMmachi Dimoriaku of Bronx, is the recipient of the The Paul J. and Margaret T. Arthur Scholarship at Wilkes University. Scholarship students were recognized along with the donors whose gifts made ...
April, 29 2019 - Verified by Wilkes UniversityWilkes University will commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Thurs. Jan. 24 with an event, "Do The Right Thing." This event has been rescheduled from the original Jan. 22 event, due to weather. Sponsored in collaboration with the Campus Interfaith...
January, 22 2019 - Verified by Wilkes UniversityWilkes University will commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 22 with an event, "Do The Right Thing." Sponsored in collaboration with the Campus Interfaith office and the office of Diversity Affairs, it will take place from 11 a.m. to noon in ...
January, 15 2019 - Verified by Wilkes UniversityMmachi Dimoriaku of Bronx, N.Y. 10469, is the recipient of The Pennsylvania's Last Frontiersman Scholarship at Wilkes University. Scholarship students were recognized along with the donors whose gi...
April, 17 2018 - Verified by Wilkes UniversityWilkes University welcomes Mmachi Dimoriaku of Bronx, N.Y., into the class of 2020. Dimoriaku is one of over 700 students who make up the University's newest undergraduate class. Dimoriaku's major ...
August, 23 2016 - Verified by Wilkes University