Michaela Jane Baker is one of 338 students named on the Honor Roll of the Academic Dean at Mars Hill University at the end of the spring 2022 semester. To qualify for the Dean's List, students must...
May, 25 2022 - Verified by Mars Hill UniversityMichaela Jane Baker, who received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, is one of 168 Mars Hill University to receive degrees during its spring commencement ceremony on May 21, 2022. In addition to the...
May, 23 2022 - Verified by Mars Hill UniversityMars Hill University honored the 2022 graduates of the Judge-McRae School of Nursing during a pinning ceremony on Friday, May 13, 2022. The ceremony for this year's Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) graduates was held in Moore Auditorium. The sp...
May, 13 2022 - Verified by Mars Hill UniversityMichaela Jane Baker is one of 362 students named to the Honor Roll of the Academic Dean at Mars Hill University for the fall 2021 semester. To qualify for the Dean's List, students must earn a grad...
January, 31 2022 - Verified by Mars Hill UniversityMichaela Jane Baker is one of 380 students named to the Honor Roll of the Academic Dean at Mars Hill University for the spring 2021 semester. To qualify for the Dean's List, students must earn a gr...
May, 25 2021 - Verified by Mars Hill UniversityAdminister medication safely, communicate with doctors, keep medication cart up to date, assist residents with Activities of Daily Living (ADL)