Mikayla Godleski
I love the arts, Music, productions, graphics. Pretty much anything that has to do with creativity I love.

Mikayla Godleski named to Genesee Community College Fall 2017 Provost's List
Mikayla Godleski, a resident of Sidney, ME was among 228 students from Genesee Community College, including all seven campus locations in Batavia, Albion, Arcade, Dansville, Lima, Medina and Warsa...
January, 19 2018 - Verified by Genesee Community College
Mikayla Godleski named to Genesee Community College Fall 2016 Dean's List
312 students from Genesee Community College named to Dean's List. Students honored on the Dean's List have maintained full or part-time enrollment and earned a quality point index of 3.50 to 3.74.
January, 25 2017 - Verified by Genesee Community College
Mikayla Godleski joined the Cougar Pride at New Student Orientation!
GCC was excited to welcome Mikayla Godleski to campus during New Student Orientation on August 17 at the Batavia Campus! At New Student Orientation, Mikayla met other new students, learned about G...
September, 01 2016 - Verified by Genesee Community College
Mikayla Godleski was recognized for graduating
Spring 2016 -
Added by Mikayla
Mikayla Godleski was recognized for earning an academic award
National honor society
Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 -
Added by Mikayla
Mikayla Godleski was recognized for earning a spot on an honors list
Added by Mikayla
Mikayla Godleski was recognized for earning a scholarship
The Theater Scholarship
Added by Mikayla
I was a director all of my senior year, I also acted and made costumes my junior year.
Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
Messalonskee High School
Added by Mikayla
Hostess at Slayton's place
August 2016 - Present
Hostess, Fountain clerk at Friendly's Restauraunt
April 2015 - December 2015