Mitchell Felt

Nearly 20 of the Navy's newest officers took their commissioning oaths just before graduating from the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. Mitchell Felt is one of the members of the Class of 2019 who ...
May, 21 2019 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC earned a Mechanical Engineering BSME degree from The Citadel. Felt graduated during the South Carolina Corps of Cadets commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 4 in ...
May, 08 2019 - Verified by The CitadelCadet Lt. Col. Mitchell Felt was presented with the General Douglas MacArthur Cadet of the Year Award during February's final parade. Each year, the General Douglas MacArthur Foundation presents M...
February, 25 2019 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, South Carolina, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Felt ...
February, 04 2019 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiMitchell J. Felt of Simpsonville, SC is among the more than 500 cadets and students recognized for their academic achievements during the fall 2018 semester. Gold stars are awarded to cadets and s...
January, 30 2019 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell J. Felt of Simpsonville, SC is among the 860 cadets and students recognized for their academic achievements during the spring 2019 semester. The dean's list is a recognition given to cade...
January, 30 2019 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC (29681) received their ring as part of The Citadel Class of 2019 on Friday, Oct. 12. The Citadel ring, known as the band of gold, symbolizes more than just a cad...
October, 24 2018 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC (29681) was awarded gold stars by The Citadel for achieving a 3.7 grade point average or higher during the 2018 spring semester. Cadets and students who achieve go...
August, 31 2018 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC was one of 58 Citadel cadets initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership honor society, for the fall 2017 semester. Omicron Delta Kappa was founde...
June, 25 2018 - Verified by The CitadelCommencement season at The Citadel is a time to celebrate student achievements in academics, leadership and service. At the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Awards Convocation Thursday, May 3, 50 awa...
May, 07 2018 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC (29681) is one of 11 Citadel students receiving the summer 2018 Star of the West scholarship. Felt will be using the scholarship to travel to Germany. The Star o...
April, 30 2018 - Verified by The CitadelThe Office of the Commandant has named the rising leadership for The Citadel 2018-19 academic year. Annually, rising leadership is announced for the top nine student officers as well as battalion ...
April, 17 2018 - Verified by The CitadelMore than 80 men and women from the Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC) in the South Carolina Corps of Cadets are being recognized for their academic and military leadership and excellence. The...
April, 04 2018 - Verified by The CitadelAfter weeks of rigorous training and tryouts, The Citadel Class of 2019 Summerall Guards were introduced on Saturday, March 24. The 61 rising-senior cadets held their first performance after a rifl...
April, 03 2018 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC (29681) was awarded Gold Stars by The Citadel for achieving a 3.7 grade point average or higher during the 2017 fall semester. Cadets and students who achieve Gold...
January, 29 2018 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC, was awarded Gold Stars by The Citadel for earning a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher during the 2017 spring semester. Students that achieve Gold Star recognitio...
September, 05 2017 - Verified by The CitadelAt the Awards Convocation on May 4, more than 50 awards were presented to cadets in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments. Mitchell Felt received The Special Forces Association Award of...
May, 17 2017 - Verified by The CitadelThe Citadel proudly congratulates Mitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC for receiving an award at the 2017 Joint ROTC Awards. The Citadel produces more officers through its ROTC programs than almost an...
April, 19 2017 - Verified by The CitadelMembers of The Citadel South Carolina Corps of Cadets earned top honors in the fall 2016 semester. Dean's List recognition is given to cadets registered for 12 or more semester hours and whose grad...
February, 01 2017 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC, was awarded Gold Stars by The Citadel for earning a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher during the 2016 fall semester. Students that achieve Gold Star recognition ...
February, 01 2017 - Verified by The CitadelMembers of The Citadel South Carolina Corps of Cadets were recognized for earning a place on the President's List. The President's List is one of the most distinguished cadet awards presented by Th...
January, 27 2017 - Verified by The CitadelMembers of The Citadel South Carolina Corps of Cadets were recognized for earning a place on the President's List. The President's List is one of the most distinguished cadet awards presented by Th...
September, 01 2016 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, SC, was awarded Gold Stars by The Citadel for earning a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher during the 2016 spring semester. Students that achieve Gold Star recognitio...
June, 13 2016 - Verified by The CitadelMembers of The Citadel South Carolina Corps of Cadets earned top honors in the spring 2016 semester. Dean's List recognition is given to cadets registered for 12 or more semester hours and whose gr...
June, 13 2016 - Verified by The CitadelMen and women who entered The Citadel as freshmen last fall have officially been sworn in as members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets as of Saturday, April 9, 2016. Recognition Day 2016 marks ...
April, 12 2016 - Verified by The CitadelMembers of The Citadel South Carolina Corps of Cadets earned top honors in the fall 2015 semester. Dean's List recognition is given to cadets registered for 12 or more semester hours and whose grad...
January, 21 2016 - Verified by The CitadelMembers of The Citadel South Carolina Corps of Cadets were recognized for earning a place on the President's List. The President's List is one of the most distinguished cadet awards presented by Th...
January, 21 2016 - Verified by The CitadelMitchell Felt of Simpsonville, South Carolina, was awarded Gold Stars by The Citadel for earning a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher during the 2015 fall semester. Students that achieve Gold Star ...
January, 21 2016 - Verified by The CitadelThe Citadel is proud to welcome the Class of 2019. The incoming class of over 630 new cadets, students represents 34 states and six foreign countries. Congratulations on your enrollment at The Cita...
September, 21 2015 - Verified by The Citadel