Morgan Marcil

Morgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, graduated from SUNY Oneonta with a Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies with Communication Studies, Political Science, Summa Cum Laude honors. More than 20...
February, 23 2021 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil, of Gansevoort, NY, was one of 315 SUNY Oneonta students who earned Provost's List honors for the fall 2020 semester. Marcil is studying Political Science and Communications. To qual...
January, 08 2021 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, was among 388 SUNY Oneonta students who earned Provost's List honors for the spring 2020 semester. To qualify for the Provost's List, a student must earn a perfect ...
June, 09 2020 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, was one of more than 60 outstanding SUNY Oneonta students selected to receive a 2020 Academic Achievement Award. Each academic department or program selected one to...
May, 13 2020 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, has been selected to receive the following scholarships at SUNY Oneonta: Dr. David Brenner '57 '59G and Lois I. Brenner Scholarship. More than 700 students have be...
February, 03 2020 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, was among 240 SUNY Oneonta students who earned Provost's List honors for the fall 2019 semester. To qualify for the Provost's List, a student must earn a perfect 4....
January, 23 2020 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, was among 196 SUNY Oneonta students who earned Provost's List honors for the spring 2019 semester. To qualify for the Provost's List, a student must earn a perfect ...
June, 04 2019 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Oneonta, NY, has received the SUNY Oneonta 2016-2017 Susan Sutton Smith Award for academic excellence. To be eligible for the award, a student must be a freshman, sophomore or juni...
April, 05 2019 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, was among 228 SUNY Oneonta students who earned Provost's List honors for the fall 2018 semester. To qualify for the Provost's List, a student must earn a perfect 4....
January, 28 2019 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil, of Gansevoort, NY, is one of 55 SUNY Oneonta students to receive a Richard Siegfried Student Award this semester for earning a total GPA of 3.9 or higher. Marcil, who studies Politi...
November, 28 2018 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, was among 222 SUNY Oneonta students who earned Provost's List honors for the spring 2018 semester. To qualify for the Provost's List, a student must earn a perfect ...
July, 09 2018 - Verified by SUNY OneontaMorgan Marcil of Gansevoort, NY, was among 1,534 SUNY Oneonta students who earned Dean's List honors for the fall 2017 semester. To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must earn a grade-point av...
January, 12 2018 - Verified by SUNY OneontaI am responsible for sitting people and serving them their drinks and meals.