Micah Roberts

Micah Roberts of Jacksonville, Alabama, was among the generations of JSU Marching Southerners presented the prestigious Sudler Trophy from the John Phillip Sousa Foundation during halftime of the f...
November, 14 2022 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMicah Roberts of Locust Grove, Georgia, is a member of Jacksonville State University's Marching Southerners, which was recently recognized with the top honor in college bands - the prestigious Sudl...
January, 26 2022 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMicah Roberts of Jacksonville was selected to join the 2020-2021 Marching Southerners at Jacksonville State University. Roberts is in the Tuba section.
January, 29 2021 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMicah Roberts of Locust Grove was named to the Dean's List at Jacksonville State University for outstanding academic performance during the Spring 2020 semester. To be named to the President's Lis...
June, 11 2020 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMicah Roberts of Locust Grove, Georgia participated in the JSU David L. Walters Department of Music's 11th annual Tubaween concert on Oct. 29.
November, 13 2019 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMicah Roberts of Locust Grove, GA has been named a 2019 Marching Southerner at Jacksonville State University. A record 551 students - 191 of them freshmen - have joined the band for the 2019-2020 s...
October, 01 2019 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMore than 500 students were named to JSU's elite marching band, the Marching Southerners, for the 2018 season.
October, 01 2019 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityMicah Roberts of Locust Grove has been accepted for admission into Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Ala. Roberts joins more than 2,600 student admitted into the Fall 2018 freshman cla...
March, 07 2018 - Verified by Jacksonville State UniversityI was in charge of selling boots and clothes. I also loaded feed for customers.