Mia Schettini

I provided assistance with constituent outreach, office work, and other assigned tasks. Summarized bills and proposed legislation, as well as prepared emails for, and responded to letters from, Legislative Aides and constituents. Researched legislation and initiatives on the local, state, federal, and international levels to formulate outlines for supervisors. Drafted bond applications, organized data collections, made proclamations and citations, created advertisements and lists for networking events, and prepared assignments for fellow interns. Attended Zoom meetings, public legislature meetings, and a range of political events on behalf of Assemblyman Keith Brown.
I assisted students with their academic assignments, mainly writing, in the form of in-person and online one-on-one appointments. I gave feedback on grammar, formatting, writing style, organization, structure, and also helped students formulate ideas for their assignments.
I held regular Zoom meetings to assist students with their class assignments and revise their essays. I read, commented, and made suggestions on various types of writing activities and essay drafts, as well as met with the professor to talk about how assignments might be broken down into small, discrete tasks, which enabled me to work with students at several points in the writing process. In addition to receiving feedback from the professor on how the students writing had improved over the semester after meeting with me, I also provided feedback to the professor about the progress that I saw with the students in regards to their writing.
I assisted Robert in his campaign through door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, brainstorming ideas to keep his social media platforms up-to-date, and offered opportunities to draft possible legislative propositions for improving education in Nassau County.
I organized and mailed letters, filed paperwork, handled customer service, and assisted in updating the website.