Naomi Shuyama Gomez

Graduation is one of life's most important and memorable milestones. The Seton Hall community congratulates our 2018 graduates for a job well done, and extends warm wishes to the families and frien...
February, 26 2019 - Seton Hall UniversitySeton Hall University is pleased to announce the following students who qualified for Spring 2018 Dean's list and to congratulate them for their outstanding academic achievements.
July, 26 2018 - Seton Hall UniversitySeton Hall University is pleased to announce the students who qualified for the Fall 2016 Dean's List.
February, 10 2017 - Seton Hall UniversitySeton Hall University is pleased to announce that Naomi Shuyama, qualified for the Spring 2016 Dean's List. To make Dean's List, students must have at least a 3.4 GPA and can get no grade lower th...
June, 17 2016 - Seton Hall UniversitySeton Hall University is pleased to announce that Naomi Shuyama, class of 2018, qualified for the Fall 2014 Dean's List. Naomi is a Diplomacy and Intl Relations major from Hillsborough, NJ. To mak...
January, 28 2015 - Seton Hall University